It is always a pleasant surprise when new farm babies arrive to our farm!   Nothing is more exciting, however then when it is FIFTY BABY CHICKS…..YES I said FIFTY!!  They are layer chicks, which means we will have an exuberant amount of eggs next year to sell at the farm-stand…woot woot!!  Dan ordered a variety of chicks this time, with the expert guidance of Talia-6, Ella, my niece 10 and Will, my nephew 8, of course!  There are some really cool looking chicks!  Strangely they come by lie…regular mail…weird!

So at 6am this morning….ugh….have I ever mentioned how I am so NOT a morning person.… we got a call from the post office to come gather our chickies!

This is how they arrive, a box full of chirping serenaders….


Jack is all.... “come on..can’t I taste just one?”

As I said some pretty cool varieties….


The other animals were quite curious as to whom was impeding their domain….makes me wonder if our barn full of animals gets all Charlotte’s Web when we are not around!


Jack was all…. “well, if I can’t eat them I am going to snuggle with Boo!  So HA!”

And so there you have it.

This Sunday is 9/11.  Join me in remembering.  The lives lost.  The heroes.  Our country.  Those grieving for their loved ones.

Take a moment this weekend to honor all of the above.  Pay it forward in some small way.